NeuroAffective Touch
“The key to meaning in life and connection to the spiritual can most effectively be found when our biology is regulated and our capacity for connection is developed.” —Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre, Healing Developmental Trauma
One of the primary modalities I work with is NeuroAffective Touch®. Developed by psychologist Dr. Aline LaPierre, NeuroAffective Touch uses gentle touch, mindfulness, body-mind dialogue, and nurturing support to integrate mind, body, heart, and the nervous system.
Dr. LaPierre defines NeuroAffective Touch as:
Neuro. Touch is a form of nonverbal communication that reaches deep into our inner personal space. Therapeutic touch not only touches the surface of the skin; it also touches thousands of sensory nerve receptors in the joints, muscles, connective tissue, and organs. These sensory receptors are nerve endings that carry information directly to the brain…hence the term “neuro.”
Affective. Touch has a strong emotional impact. During touch work, clients often said: “It’s like you’re touching my emotions.” The nervous system and emotions are deeply intertwined and cannot be separated…hence the term “affective.”
Through the interweaving of talk and touch, NeuroAffective Touch sessions can facilitate an embodied awareness from which to build new possibilities for identity and self-expression.
A demonstration of a NeuroAffective Touch session offered by Dr. Aline LaPierre
Sesssions can help you:
Restore connection with yourself and others
Establish a felt sense of safety in your body
Develop a compassionate relationship between mind and body
Increase states of calm and relaxation
Release old wounds
Access heart wisdom
Build new patterns of behavior